
앙상블 스타즈 팬미팅 with 아사누마 신타로, 야마시타 다이키, 오노 유우키

앙스타는 한 번 해보고 안 맞아서 지웠지만
성우님들 보러 다녀온 팬미팅

아사누마 상은 트위터 사건 말고는 많이 접해보지 못한 성우
40대라는 말 듣고 진짜 놀랐다
토크가 재밌기는 한데... 관객이 듣고 싶어하는 말만 하는 것 같아서
본심이 전혀 안 느껴지는 점이 좀 아쉬웠다
연기는 안정적이고 좋았음

야마시타 상은 진짜진짜 너무 귀여우심 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
근데 연기는 너무 멋있음 ㅠㅠ
이번 이벤트를 계기로 팬이 될 듯 ㅠㅠ
토끼모자 쓴 것도 보고 싶었는데 흑흑

오노 유우키 상은... 오노 유우키 상이었다 ㅋㅋ
물론 좋은 의미!
그나저나 프렌즈 틀어놔야 잠이 오신다니 ㅋㅋㅋ

어떤 굿즈 있는지 궁금해서 줄 섰다가
아무것도 안 사긴 좀 그래서...
미도리카와 상 때문에 자동으로 텐쇼인 에이치가 최애 ㅎㅎ

그런데 이번 행사 좀... 진행이 매끄럽지 못했달까
일단 가장 큰 문제는 통역가분
어떤 말이든 과격한 방향으로 통역하셔서 매우 당황스러웠다
본인이 감정이입해서 말 지어내기도 하시고
게임 내용도 전혀 모르시는 것 같고...
다른 장르의 게임이라면 절대 있을 수 없는 일 아닌가;;
아무튼 세이유 통역가 분들이 훨씬 나았음

그리고 MC 보신 남도형님
목소리도, 입담도 좋으시지만
빨리빨리 진행하시려는 마음에 성우분들 말 끊고
김하루님이랑 호흡도 전혀 안 맞고
조금 더 센스 있는 진행을 원했달까
차라리 MC를 한 명만 두던가...
그리도 MC 두 분 다 성우분들한테
한국어 썼다가 직접 일본어 썼다가 ㅋㅋㅋ
통역가분을 가운데 두고 대략 카오스였음


Games I played in 2018 (part 1)

Until Dawn
All of the fun clichés of teen horror films rolled into one. I’d say it’s worth a playthrough, but I wish it were easier to replay different chapters. There are too many unskippable cutscenes and puzzles to bother trying to save more characters.

Atelier Rorona Plus
I guess I enjoyed it? Working toward goals and successfully achieving them was quite satisfying. But ultimately it’s not a story-heavy game, which is what I tend to look for in JRPGS. I especially wish the game gave you more substantial endings with all the different characters. I worried the main character might be annoying, but she’s actually adorable. However, I did NOT like Astrid… sexual harassment much? Plus, the homunculus thing was beyond morally questionable.

LittleBigPlanet Vita
Enjoyable game, could be longer. I guess the main feature of this title is letting players create their own levels-which is cool, but not something I’m particularly interested in.

Dokkiri Kami Kaihi
Just a fun little game that makes me laugh. I love these short point-and-click vignette-style games :)

This game is meant to be played co-op but I played the entire thing on my own lol. I guess I find interacting with other people more difficult than solving puzzles. But it’s a really good game that you should play, co-op or not!

A Normal Lost Phone
A great way to spend an afternoon. It’s a very intriguing story, and I also liked how bits of new information got revealed the more I played. Will definitely play the sequel someday.

I had such a love-hate relationship with this game, but I’m over it now. I played it nonstop for several months, and it wasn't good for my mental health. I only boot it up during Splatfests nowadays.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
This wasn’t really my type of a game, but I can still recognize that it’s a masterpiece, and I’m glad I pushed myself to finish it. The game is lighthearted at times, and the fact that there’s a guy in the woods who just steals your stuff without any explanation was especially hilarious to me. But I couldn’t get used to only being able to attack in four directions, and I didn’t like how you don’t get back the items you used when you die, even though you have to restart from the dungeon entrance. Also, I wish the game would let me save more often… I mean come on.

Danganronpa 2
Okay, I have a LOT to say about this game. Basically, I had the exact opposite experience from when I played the first Danganronpa title. I was really invested throughout that game, but was ultimately left disappointed because of the sudden, outlandish ending. This game, however, was NOT enjoyable for the most part. I was just impatiently waiting for the story to move along, and the mini-games they added to the trials are unnecessary at best and aggravating at worst. Plus, some of the characters really got on my nerves. There is so much casual sexual harassment in this game, but the writers try to get away with it by a) having the female characters volunteer this kind of behavior (never mind the fact that these actions are super out of character) and b) making the main character a bystander instead of an active participant (even though in my eyes he’s still complicit, since he never tries to stop the other male characters from making lewd, inappropriate comments about the female characters) However, I have to admit the final chapter and the ending were mind-blowingly amazing. But still I’d recommend playing the first game yourself and just watching a let’s play of the second game, because the majority of the second game is such a chore.

Monument Valley
I was in the mood for a simple puzzle game, and this one hit the spot. The ending had a nice finality to it, so I'm not too interested in the extra chapters. Plus, the game felt a bit sluggish at times.

Super Mario Odyssey
If I had to use one word to describe this game, it would be ‘delightful’. It’s just brimming with pleasant surprises, with moons to collect and colorful characters to meet around every corner. I also appreciated the sheer variety when it came to the different kingdoms, all of which I found too beautiful to play in handheld mode. I’m taking a break after seeing the ending, but I intend to dive back in someday to collect even more moons :D

Tomodachi Life
Tagline: when fandoms collide. Step 1. Make miis of your friends, celebrities, fictional characters, whomever. Step 2. Force them into one apartment complex. Step 3. Watch as chaos and hilarity ensue. I almost lost it when the twelfth doctor had a dream where someone told him I was an alien. He was so flabbergasted!

Pokemon Go
June 2018 marked my first time trying out Pokemon Go (shocking, I know) I think I stuck with it for about a month? It was an enjoyable excuse to go outside, although as a noob gyms and raids were annoying.

Donkey Kong Country Returns
This is a game I played for a while, but decided to retire. I simply wasn’t having a good time. While I found Rayman Origins to be challenging but fun, this game is only about the challenge. It just wasn’t for me :/


Ralph Breaks the Internet & Bohemian Rhapsody

It's been two forevers since I've been to the theater, so I decided to watch two movies back-to-back.

Ralph Breaks the Internet wasn't bad, but I still kind of wish it didn't exist? I loved the first movie so much, and this one is such an obvious cash-grab. The wordplay on 'insecurity' doesn't work at all, and while I loved the Disney princess scenes, it doesn't really make sense in the context of the Internet-no matter how amazing Alan Menken's new song is. Also, a lot of international audiences are not going to get that ending lol.

Side thing: I knew I recognized Bill Hader's voice!

Bohemian Rhapsody was fun. I think watching it in a ScreenX theater definitely helped. I know it's not all that factual, which is a bummer, but it did make me more interested in and appreciative of Queen and their music.


Here we go, hopefully

Just wanted a little corner of the Internet to archive my thoughts and feelings.
Let's see if this works out.